16-Week Discovery of Creation, Jesus, and New Creation
Weeks 8-13 reflect back on Weeks 1-6.
If time allows, re-read the corresponding passages from previous weeks before moving into that week’s passages.
3. Promise: Abraham’s Blessing
Genesis 12.1-5; 15.4-21 & Galatians 3.6-9
4. Promise: Prophet Like Moses
Exodus 3.1-21 & Deuteronomy 18.14-19
5. Promise: Passover Lamb
Exodus 12.21-28 & Isaiah 52.13-53.12
6. Promise: King from David
2 Samuel 7.8-16 & Isaiah 11.1-9
7. Jesus: Bringer of Good News
Isaiah 52.6-10; 61.1-9 & Luke 4.14-21; 42-44
8. Jesus: The Prophet
[Week 4 Passages]; John 5.31-47 & (Optional) John 8.12-59
9. Jesus: The Passover Lamb
[Week 5 Passages]; Luke 22.14-20 & 1 Corinthians 5.7
10. Jesus: The King
[Week 6 Passages]; John 18.28-19.30 & Philippians 2.5-11
11. Jesus: Creator / Re-Creator
[Week 1 Passages]; John 1.1-14 & John 20.1-23
12. Jesus: The New Adam
[Week 2 Passages]; Romans 5.12-21 & 1 Corinthians 15.12-28
13. The Church: Sent to Bless in Jesus
[Week 3 Passages]; Matthew 28.16-20 & Ephesians 1.3-23
14. The Church: Spirit Empowered
15. The Church: Ambassadors & Exiles
2 Corinthians 5.14-21 & 1 Peter 2.9-12; 3.8-16