12-Week Discovery of Jesus


Gospel = “Good News” (Used for announcing royal decrees and new kings)

The Kingdom of God = “The Reign of God” (God establishing his rule)

Messiah/Christ = “Anointed One” (Typically in reference to a king)

1. The Beginning of the Gospel

Mark 1.1-20


2. Jesus Heals & Forgives

Mark 2.1-12


3. The Parable of the Sower

Mark 4.1-20


4. Jesus Brings Freedom

Mark 5.1-20


5. What Defiles Humanity

Mark 7.1-23


6. Jesus the Messiah & Call to Follow

Mark 8.27-38


7. Jesus Heals the Faithless & Oppressed

Mark 9.14-29


8. The Triumphal Entry

Mark 11.1-11


9. The Greatest Commandment

Mark 12.28-34


10. The Last Supper: Death Defined

Mark 14.12-25


11. Jesus On Trial & Crucified

Mark 15.1-32


12. Jesus’ Death & Resurrection

Mark 15.33-16.8