& Kairos Circle
(Adapted from Caesar Kalinowski)
This is a tool primarily to be used in community. However it does have benefits to engage in personally when your community is not present to work through it together—in moments at work, at home dealing with kids, or times of simply being alone. It is encouraged to take these personal times of going through it and go through it in community again when you have an opportunity. God speaks through His people and, quite frankly, we need the community of Christ to speak into the spaces where we may miss.
Begin by learning the Four Questions. Get used to them and grow in how they relate and connect. These questions are intended to be grounded in our identity. This is a tool that first and foremost is to direct us back into who we are in Christ in light of situations (joyful or hurtful) that take place.
Although very connected, these tools have slightly different purposes. The Four Questions is meant to help guide you, or you guide others, through situations from an identity-level. They are meant to be used in casual conversation and in these situations, may require more follow-up questions than simply “moving” through the Four Questions. The Kairos Circle is to help you discern a moment when God may be speaking to you (through a situation, experience, or word). The Kairos Circle is a little more intentional and less flexible and mobile like the Four Questions.
1. Who is God?
This question focuses on God’s nature and attributes. In light of the situation you find yourself in, “Who is God?”
Examples: Father, Glorious, Savior, Lord, Good Shepherd, Faithful, etc.
(Reference Names of God and 4 G’s of God to help answer this question)
2. What has He done?
This question has three sub-parts, be sure to answer each them:
A. In Scripture?
Think through God’s Narrative and choose a story (or two) that relates to the names or attributes of God from Q#1: What did God do in the story? How did He prove His faithfulness? What was the person’s response to Him?
B. In your own life?
Now, think through your own life and dwell upon how God has proven His nature and attribute from Q#1 in your life. It may be something very subtle, but we can still give God the glory in it.
C. In the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus?
Finally, think through the life of Jesus in relation to Q#1. How did Jesus embody God’s name and attributes?
3. What is now true of us?
Now in light of who God is (Q#1) and how He has revealed Himself (Q#2) in light of your current situation, what is true of your identity?
(Reference Identity in Christ to help answer)
4. How do we get to respond?
In light of (1) Who God is, (2) How He has shown this to be true, and (3) What is true of you now—how will you now live and act?
This is about receiving the truth of who God is and who He has re-made you to be and walking in that! This is not “do this” so that you can “be that”. We must receive first who God says we are, in light of who He is, and then we get to walk it out in faith and love of God.
Kairos Circle
There are two words for time in Greek—chronos and kairos. Chronos is used for linear time while kairos is used for a specific moment—especially as it pertains to an “opportune” or “suitable” moment. Sometimes this is referred to as a “Divine” or “God moment”. They are instances that may be brought about by God, or at least be used by God, to reveal something to us.
When these instances happen it is important to stop and observe what may be at play in these instances. It is important to remember that these do not need to be done alone, but are actually better when done in community, as the full body is able to speak into what is going on.
As shown above, there are two sections to analyzing a Kairos Moment: Repent and Believe. Repent simply means to turn from something and then turn to something else. In this part, it is all about turning from unbelief in God and turning to belief in God. Believe then is, after turning to the truth of who God is, receiving who He says you are in light of this Kairos Moment.
1. Observe
Take time to think through or write out what took place in this moment.
2. Who Is God? What is He Like?
3. How has He shown this to be true?
A. In Scripture?
B. In your own life?
C. In the life of Jesus?
4. What is now true of you?
5. How do you now get to live?
A. Identity—who are you in Christ?
B. Authority—what power has Christ given you?
C. Privilege—what privileges do you have in light of Jesus?
6. Accountability?
Accountability is not about someone following up and ensuring you are “doing” the right thing, it is about someone speaking the truth into you in light of what you have gone through with the questions. This is why community is so important to this tool! Other people are able to come alongside you and remind you who you are in Jesus.