Prayer Cycle
Paul encouraged the Thessalonians to “Pray without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5.17) and we should strive to do the same. This can seem like a pretty daunting concept though. The Prayer Cycle is a simple tool to help guide us in 12 ways to pray. Engaging in each for only 5 minutes can help us exercise our prayer life in a way to work towards ceaseless prayer.
- Do not be legalistic. If you can only do 1-2 minutes of a section, just do that and work your way up to 5 minutes.
- Set a 5-minute timer. If you want to continue in that section for longer though, go for it!
- If you get distracted easily, try journaling and writing out your reflections and prayers.
- If you have less than an hour to pray, simply divide up the time. 30 minutes: spend 2.5 minutes on each section.

- Praise — Start your prayer hour by praising the Lord. Praise Him for who He is and His attributes.
- Wait — Use this time to surrender to Jesus and ask the Spirit to lead and guide your time.
- Confess — Ask the Spirit to show you anything in your life that might need confession. Read the Confession of Sin below. Remember: The heart of sin is unbelief in who God is, resulting in idolatry. Reflect on the 4 G’s: Where might you have unbelief?
- Read the Word — Spend time reading a passage of Scripture. (A Psalm is a good option)
- Petition — Make specific requests for yourself.
- Intercede — Make specific requests on behalf of others. Start with your closest relational circle (i.e. family) and move outward.
- Pray the Word — Use the passage you read earlier as a beginning place to pray.
- Thanksgiving — Give thanks to the Lord for what He has done in and through your life, family, and church.
- Sing — Listen to or sing a song that is on your heart.
- Meditate — Merge everything together that you have prayed, read, and sung; What is the Lord communicating to you?
- Listen — Ask the Spirit to speak to you. Write down what you hear and talk to another believer about it.
- Praise — Praise the Lord for the time you have had to spend with Him and any impressions He has given to you.
Confession of Sin
Adapted from the Daily Morning Prayer in the Book of Common Prayer
Almighty and most merciful Father,
I have erred and strayed from your ways like a lost sheep.
I have followed too much the devices and desires of my own heart.
I have offended against your holy laws.
I have left undone those things which I ought to have done, and I have done those things which I ought not to have done.
and apart from your grace, there is no health in me.
O Lord, have mercy upon me.
Spare all those who confess their faults.
Restore all those who are penitent, according to your promises declared to all people in Christ Jesus our Lord.
And grant, O most merciful Father, for his sake, that I may now live a godly, righteous, and sober life, to the glory of your holy Name. Amen.