10:02 Prayer


Daily Prayer Commitment: ~1min
As disciple makers we want to take to heart Jesus’ command to, “Ask the Lord of the harvest… to send out workers into his harvest field” (Luke 10.2; Matt. 9.38). We want to see people arise and go into the places we live, work, and play to be on mission, share the gospel, and make disciples. Disciples do not have to leave the confines of their city, or even neighborhood, to be sent out into the harvest.


Jesus sends out the Twelve (Luke 9.1-9), then sends out the Seventy-Two (Luke 10.1-24) to prepare the way and proclaim the kingdom of God drawing near. Jesus observes, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” He acknowledges the need for more people to prepare and proclaim, so he commands his disciples to “Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

      • There is a great harvest ready for the picking, but far too few workers.
      • The Lord is ready to answer the prayer and send people out all over the world.
      • We are not wanting people to be persuaded or convinced to go, but for motivated disciple makers who want to see God’s kingdom on earth.
      • Harvesting is entering into the Lord’s field; where he is already at work!


      • Set an alarm to go off at 10:02 or 9:38 (from Matthew’s version) every day.
      • Simply pray: “Lord of the harvest, send out workers into your harvest field. Amen.”
      • Invite others to join with you in this prayer.


Although this is a simple prayer, do not think it is insignificant. It is ultimately praying scripture and following a command of Jesus which in no way is weak!

Try to focus on simple geographic areas, especially areas that you are close to: where you live, work, or play. That way you can see the answer to this prayer.

This is not a one-time prayer. Think of Luke 18 (The Parable of the Persistent Widow) and continue with it.